The widespread adoption of multi-cloud in enterprises is one of the root causes of cost-effectiveness. Cloud service providers reduce storage costs through advanced data de-duplication, which also provides vulnerabilities for attackers. Traditional approaches to authentication and data security for a single cloud need to be upgraded to be best suitable for cloud-to-cloud data migration security in order to mitigate the impact of dictionary and template attacks on authentication and data integrity, respectively. This paper proposes a scheme of user layer authentication along with lightweight cryptography. The proposed simulates its mathematical model to analyze the behavioral pattern of time-complexity of data security along with user auth protection. The performance pattern validates the model for scalability and reliability against both authentication and data integrity.
M G, A., & K.G*, M. (2020). Mitigating the Threat due to Data Deduplication Attacks in Cloud Migration using User Layer Authentication with Light Weight Cryptography. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(3), 2539–2545.
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