The quality of education is to a major extent assessed through examination and therefore examination is an inseparable and integral part of education. Even though we have seen a lot of technological advancements, the examination process is still carried out the traditional way with most of the process performed manually. As a result of which the current system at times are prone to errors and are time consuming. Various techniques have been proposed to automate the time table generation, automatic paper setting and evaluation. One of the tasks that has not got much attention is the assignment of work on a per day basis to invigilators and their assignment to rooms for invigilation. So we propose a system that integrates task like invigilator allotment, room allotment student allotment and time table generation in an efficient way.
Automated Allocation of Resources for Examination System using Genetic Algorithm. (2019). International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(2), 1052–1055.
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