Heavy vehicle demand is exceptionally strong in India. The rear axle is the driving axle of a heavy vehicle and hence it plays an important role. In rear axle, Brake drum and Hub are mounted with the bolt and is tightened temporarily. The mounted brake drum from axle assembly is then carried to chassis assembly for further process, where it needs to be tilted for reliable manufacturing. Several accidents occur while tilting the brake drum in chassis assembly which causes risks to human life as well as affects the quality and production. This paper aims to ensure safety in rear axle assembly through a proposed system which includes a conveyor mechanism, NODEMCU, IR sensors and ultrasonic sensor. The conveyor mechanism can be controlled locally through webpage.
Venkatasubramanian, S., Ahalya, U., & Harishene, M. (2019). Axle drum nut tightness monitoring to ensure safety in rear axle of heavy vehicles. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 8(6), 3649–3652. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijeat.F9367.088619
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