The aim of this research was to clarify the change in service quality of a stadium before and after the introduction of CCT using one facility in Japan as a case study, and to compare some performance data before and after the introduction of CCT. The data before CCT were collected in May 2006 and the post-CCT data were collected in November 2008. Random sampling of respondents was used in those years. In total, 758 respondents in 2006 and 292 respondents in 2008 were asked to complete the questionnaire after the football game. Some of the mean scores of "Cleanliness and comfort", "Food and drink", "Litter box", "Toilet" and "Staff" were significantly higher than those of before CCT. However, the service quality of "Easy to watch" did not change between those years significantly.
MANO, Y., & SHOJI, H. (2010). Changing Service Quality before and after the Introduction of Compulsory Competitive Tendering (CCT) to a Stadium in Japan. Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry, 20(1), 73–79.
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