The proposed work deals with the automatic generation control of a two area system under deregulated power environment. The two area system considered for analysis implements the integration of renewables into it. The system model consists of a solar thermal plant and a reheat thermal plant in area 1. The reheat thermal plant is replaced with the nuclear power plant in area 2. So the second area consists of a nuclear plant and a solar thermal plant for study. This work also deals with the application of a new controller namely the Tilted Integral Derivative controller as a secondary controller for minimizing the Area control Error (ACE) and bring it to zero. This work also proposes the implementation of a novel optimization technique-Dragonfly algorithm (DA) technique. The superiority of DA tuned TID controller was established in terms of settling time, maximum overshoot and minimum undershoot. The behaviour of the DA tuned TID controller is also tested in the new model for two different market scenarios namely the base case and the bilateral transaction. The dynamic system performance parameters are evaluated and noted. The robustness of the proposed DA tuned controller is effectively established.
Sinha, S., & Mallick, R. K. (2019). Frequency regulation of renewable energy integrated deregulated power system using novel optimization scheme. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(3), 3903–3909.
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