The impact of location and size of the wind technology on power quality in a distribution system with different loads

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The impact of wind technology on power quality for a distribution system is emphasized in this paper. The Power Quality of a Distribution system depends on voltage and Frequency quality. The pros of integrating the wind turbine to the system are loss reduction and voltage profile improvement but the cons of adding renewable energy to the distribution system are represented in this paper. such as voltage unbalance, flicker, power factor, and the impact of voltage and current harmonics are measured. The performed analysis results indicated the importance of the integration of DG based on Power quality Parameters.




Vishwanath, G., Lokesh, M., & Kulkarni, A. D. (2019). The impact of location and size of the wind technology on power quality in a distribution system with different loads. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(1), 1909–1914.

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