Realization of butterworth low pass filter design in microstrip

ISSN: 22783075
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A low pass butterworth π shaped filter design is realized in Microstrip patch using IE3D software. The filter design is arrived at the cut off frequency of 2650 MHz with attenuation of 20 dB by selecting the FR4 substrate material as dielectric, and loss tangent as 0.02. The maximum meshing frequency is taken as 5000 MHz. The Microstrip patch size is taken as 25X15 mm 2 board. The 4 th order low pass filter is designed and simulated. The results are nearly matching close to the designed values. At-3dB, the cut off occurs on 2660 MHz and at-19.48 dB, the attenuation falls for the 4990 MHz. The filter design is made on the patch for 24.3x11.2 mm 2 area. This compact design is useful in the communication field of microwave band of frequencies.

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Salai Thillai Thilagam, J., Vittal, M., Sarath Babu, T., Siva Reddy, B., & Raju, K. (2019). Realization of butterworth low pass filter design in microstrip. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(4S2), 215–217.

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Professor / Associate Prof. 1


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Engineering 1


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