The paper which proposes a hierarchical Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Interface System (ANFIS) Predicated control framework intended for unpredictable peak voltage multi- terminal dc (MTDC) system. In this introduced ANFIS framework, essential command of multi-terminal dc network is localized and executes utilizing a general droop approach. The proposed ANFIS predicated auxiliary command is focused and manages the operating point (OP) of the system with the goal that optimal power flow (OPF) is accomplished. This work further elaborates through matlab simulations, on the correlative betwixt the essential and auxiliary controls. This comprises how essential controllers must be operated by auxiliary controllers so as to discover a continuous progress to ideal operating point. Time- domain simulations are organized to contrast the control technique designed with ordinary technique. This paper confirmed that the Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy strategy can enduringly follow effective demeanors of the converters.
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Vandana, M. V., & Kiranmayi, R. (2019). Adaptive neuro fuzzy based adaptive droop control in multi-terminal hvdc for wind power integration. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 8(4), 524–528.