This study aims to improve the skills of writing fable or legend texts in students. The research used is classroom action research. What is being researched is the application of learning with the Project Based Learning model, increasing student activity and learning outcomes in terms of writing fable or legend texts. This study uses observation to determine the learning process of Project based Learning, observation to determine the activity of students, and tests to determine student learning outcomes. The results showed that the learning process using the project based learning model was as follows: Phase 1 Apperception, Phase 2: Determining the project by determining the basic questions, Phase 3: designing project plans, Phase 4: Preparing a schedule, Phase 5: Monitoring students and project progress, Stage 6: Testing Results, Stage 7: Evaluating the experience. Learning using the project based learning model shows that the activeness from the initial conditions to cycle 1 and to cycle 2, the percentage of students whose activity is in the low category continues to decrease, namely 53.13% -37.50% -12.50% . Meanwhile, the medium category continued to increase, namely 28.12% -37.50% -56.25%. The high category also continued to increase, namely 18.75% - 25.00% -31.25%. This research using a project based learning model shows that student learning outcomes from the initial conditions to cycle 1 and cycle 2 have increased after the action has been taken. The percentage of students who have not completed continuously has decreased, namely 46.63% -31.25% -9.37%. As for students who experience complete learning outcomes continuously, there is an increase, namely, 59.37% -68.75% - 90.63%. The average value from the initial conditions to cycle 1 and to cycle 2 continued to increase, namely 67.19 -72.34 -78.94. The indicator of the success of this CAR is that this CAR is said to be successful if the percentage of students whose learning outcomes have been completed reaches a minimum of 85%. And from the table shows that the percentage of students whose grades have completed has reached 90.63%, then this CAR has been successful. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan ketrampilan menulis teks fabel atau legenda pada peserta didik. Penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Yang diteliti adalah penerapan pembelajaran dengan model Project Based Learning, peningkatan keaktifan dan hasil belajar siswa dalam hal menulis teks fabel atau legenda. Penelitian ini menggunakan observasi untuk mengetahui proses pembelajaran Project based Learning, observasi untuk mengetahui keaktifan peserta didik, dan tes untuk mengetahui hasil belajar peserta didik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model project based learning adalah sebagai berikut : Tahap 1 Apersepsi, Tahap 2: Penentuan proyek dengan menentuan pertanuyaan mendasar, Tahap 3: mendesain perencanaan proyek, Tahap 4: Menyusun Jadwal, Tahap 5: Memonitor peserta didik dan kemajuan proyek, Tahap 6: Menguji Hasil, Tahap 7: Evaluasi pengalaman. Pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran project based learning ini menunjukkan bahwa keaktifan dari kondisi awal ke siklus 1 dan ke siklus 2 persentase peserta didik yang keaktifannya dengan katagori rendah terus menerus mengalami penurunan, yakni 53,13% -37,50% -12,50%. Sedangkan yang katagori sedang terus menerus mengalami peningkatan, yakni 28,12% -37,50% -56,25%. Adapun yang katagri tinggi pun terus-menerus mengalami kenaikan, yakni 18,75% - 25,00% -31,25%. Penelitian dengan model project based learning ini menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar siswadari kondisi awal ke siklus 1, dank e siklus 2 mengalami peningkatan setelah dilakukan tindakan. Persentase peserta didik yang belum tuntas secara terus-menurus mengalami penurunan, yakni 46,63% -31,25% -9,37%. Adapun untuk peserta didik yang mengalami ketuntasan hasil belajar terus menerus memgalami peningkatan yakni, 59,37% -68,75% - 90,63%. Nilai rata-rata pun dari kondisi awal ke siklus 1 dan ke siklus 2 pun terus-menerus mengalami peningkatan, yakni 67,19 -72,34 -78,94. Indikator keberhasilan PTK ini adalah, bahwa PTK ini dikatakan berhasil jika presentase peserta didik yang nilai hasil belajarnya sudah tuntas mencapai menimal 85%. Dan dari table menunjukkan bahwa persentase peserta didik yang nilainya tuntas sudah mencapai 90,63%, maka PTK ini sudah berhasil.
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