This paper represents the concept of hard decision decoder in which PGDBF is suitable decoder for the basic model of hard-choice decoder as long as low-density parity check code (LDPC) which is increase the error correction. This design introduced dynamic architecture which reduce the capability of random disarrangement of the PGDBF. The design is working on the Short Random Sequence (SRS) that is replica cover on the PGDBF decoding guidelines. In each iteration flipping number of bits these are focusing on improvement in performance and decoding delay. The best SRS is essential to manage the well-known decoding achievement of PGDBF, we introduced two kind of access with same hardware categories, but various LDPC codes are perform different behaviors. In this design we are modifying small hardware decoding unit for obtaining a good decoding explanation for present and further purpose.
Varri, V. R., Arun Vignesh, N., Panigrahy, A. K., & Usha Kumari, C. H. (2019). Implementation of low density parity check system using probabilistic gradient descent bit flipping decoder. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(10), 2005–2009.
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