Patient monitoring and control system using internet of thing

ISSN: 22783075
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The health of the patients in the hospital will be severely affected if they are not treated properly on time and there is a high risk of causing more diseases. Patients monitoring is a challenging factor in the past years. Even in hospitals it is very difficult for doctors to attend the patients, because doctors cannot not be available all the time in the hospital because of their busy schedule. Hence there is a need for a solution to monitor the patients any time for the doctors from any place. With the development of Internet of Things (IoT) devices in the recent years a solution is proposed for this. An IoT device which can be used for real time application in homes, hospitals and other places were developed as a gadget. With this gadget, the human man power can be reduced using Wi-Fi system. The patient monitoring and control system checks the pulse rate, air quality, temperature of the patients especially in hospital’s using the sensors attached for collecting the data and send it to the Arduino microcontroller for processing the data. This gadget can also be used by the every one even at home, hospitals or any other places.




Gnanaraj, V. V., Ranjana, P., & Thenmozhi, P. (2019). Patient monitoring and control system using internet of thing. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(6), 120–123.

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