Utilization of data and applications to increase the services quality of hospital industry accreditation in Indonesia

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In recent years, information technology has become a part of the power to engage in business activities. However, no studies have tested the effects of the adoption of information technology on the performance of surveyors in performing their duties at the Indonesian Commission for Accreditation of Hospitals (KARS). The purpose of research is to test empirically the external factors that influence the adoption of applications for increased surveyors’ works performance as an assessor of hospitals in Indonesia. External factors studied were: (1) the support of top management, (2) self-efficacy, (3) the quality of the system, and (4) training. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is the best way to evaluate the factors that influence the decision of the assessor and the hospital professionals on the acceptance of a system. Through the distribution of questionnaires were processed using SmartPLS, proving that the four external factors studied had a significant influence on the acceptance of information technology. Based on observations also prove that through the use of Information System of Indonesian Commission for Accreditation of Hospitals or SIKARS application, assessor performance is more effective and efficient. So that, through the data and information provided on the application can support all stakeholders in decision-making. SIKARS as national accreditation database can be used as a reference for service quality improvement in Indonesian hospitals.

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Gea, D., Prabowo, H., Kosala, R., & Sutoto. (2019). Utilization of data and applications to increase the services quality of hospital industry accreditation in Indonesia. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 3466–3470. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.B2840.078219

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