The field emission (FE) of surfaces of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) UPV-1T and glassy carbon SU-2000 after irradiation with 30-keV Ar+ ions at different temperatures and incidence angles has been investigated. It has been found that irradiation of the (001) basal plane of UPV-1T at temperatures of T = 250 and 400°C results in the emergence of low-voltage FE with threshold values of the electric-field strength from 3 to 17 V/μm depending on the temperature and irradiation geometry. The lowest field-emission threshold is observed following irradiation at T ≈ 250°C and normal ion incidence. It is shown that ion irradiation of glassy carbon can also result in the low-voltage FE of its surface. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.
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