In recent communication technology DC-DC converters are widely used for different applications. Here two converters LCL half bridge resonant and LCL push pull resonant converters are designed for 5G communication application. In both the converters, the switching devices operates at zero voltage switching (ZVS). The proposed technique eliminates switching loss, reduce stress on switching devices and increase efficiency. Here the capacitor act as resonating component as well as tune filter at load side this will reduce number of components. The proposed circuits are designed at 240V input, 48V output voltage and the circuits are designed and simulated results are verified.
M.H, Y. K., & K.P, G. (2022). Performance Comparison of LCL Half bridge and LCL Push Pull Resonant Converter for 5G Communication. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 11(4), 36–39.
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