Policy-based resource access and data sharing are the most specific in context-aware computing. Granting authentication to the wireless and ad hoc users is usually difficult because the system has got to take into account several context factors whereas authoring access. During this epoch, the mobile phone plays a significant role in info access in a ubiquitous environment. Wireless technologies, significantly the GSM-SMS is efficient and efficient to access shared data around the world with fewer security issues. The shared resources like printers, scanners, databases, books, email, etc. are liable to the users once they try and access with proper authentication. The proposed system provides systematic access policy schemes and creates the access mechanism to remote users. These policies and mechanisms are entirely supported context info. The user should satisfy the defined context and defined the user level. This mechanism provides the facilities to users to request and access control through SMS.
Pandikumar, S., Malathi, S., Sathiesh Kumar, K., Arun, M., & Kalpana, R. (2019). Secured policy based resource access and user authentication in ubiquitous computing environment. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(1), 1836–1841. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.A4731.119119
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