Road maintenance here is the activity of maintaining, repairing, adding or replacing existing physical buildings so that their functions can still be maintained or improved for a longer time.The growth of road length which tends to be constant from year to year also causes the level of saturation of several main roads in Makassar City to increase.In this work, the authors have conducted a model study of the Routine Maintenance of Primary Arterial Roads in Makassar City. This work was focused on primary arterial roads in the city of Makassar consisting of 12 roads. In this study, data analysis was performed using analysis regression. Key result showed that the wide road variable and road average daily traffic / ADT affect the magnitude of the routine maintenance budget for the following year.
Sari, D. P., Ali, N., & Abdurrahman, M. A. (2019). A model study of the routine maintenance of primary arterial roads in Makassar city. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(4S), 1–4.
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