The need of video applications such as, video telephony, video conferencing and live streaming video etc. increasing since years. The advancement in technology provide various devices included the capabilities of quality and resolution in broad range. These is one of the reason to motivating the researchers to improve the scalability in processing the video so that when various devices had network bandwidths may have different resolutions as well as quality. As it can be known Scalability in these three modes i.e., temporal, spatial and SNR. In this paper looking at SNR scalability with an Adaptive search algorithm to estimate the motion which can be reduced the computational time of video encoding.
Maharaju, R., Damera, M., & Yalabaka, S. (2019). An adaptive search algorithm to estimate the motion in SNR scalable video coding. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(8), 657–659.
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