Satellite image compression using RICE algorithm

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Processing of satellite images is time-intensive owing to the large surface of the earth and the necessity for high resolution. Compression algorithms are an active research topic since there is no single algorithm which can achieve the best compression at the highest speed. Different compression algorithms need to be explored to enhance the speed of the analysis. Here, a lossless compression scheme using RICE algorithm is implemented using Matlab and Verilog on a satellite image according to the CCSDS (Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems) recommendation. The RICE algorithm uses a set of variable length codes. The architecture comprises of a Pre-processor, Adaptive entropy coder, Postprocessor and an Inverse mapper. The design has been implemented using Xilinx.




Pooja, R., Harshitha, U., Supriya, S., Supriya, R., & Kulkarni, K. (2019). Satellite image compression using RICE algorithm. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 1082–1085.

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