Management theories have been the subject matter view for over the decades as there are schools of thoughts that affirms certain ways of managerial practices whereas other contradicts them. Three distinctive schools of thoughts included in this essay are namely; classical management theory, neo-classical management theory and modern management theory respectively. Classical theories emphasise heavily on scientific methods, administrative approach and bureaucratic structures for managerial practices while focusing on the task efficiency. On the other hand, neo-classical school of thoughts looked at the human’s individual needs, their relations at work, behavioural aspects and motivations behind effectiveness. Lastly, the modern management school found “no one fit method for all situations” by considering systems, contingent approaches while organisational humanism and management science as core concept to operate in the dynamic environment. Additionally, the latest work of Foucault and Bourdieu is used to explain the modernity of management. The present trends and issues in the management practices are also addressed at the end.
Hussain, N., Haque, A. U., & Baloch, A. (2019). Management Theories: The Contribution of Contemporary Management Theorists in Tackling Contemporary Management Challenges. Journal of Yaşar University, 14, 156–169.
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