This paper related to fault current limitation in radial distribution of network. In order to control fault current, primary winding of an isolation transformer is connected in series with phase line and secondary winding is connected to inductive coil (reactor), which is connected in parallel with a bypass switch. This is of parallel insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT). This system can improve the power quality of power system. This system also gives un-interrupted power supply. The magnitude of the current is reduced due to reactor connected in secondary winding. Because of simple structure cost is very low. This system is designed for single phase 230 volts, 50Hz ac supply.
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Mohite, O. S., Kumbhar, A. V., Kulkarni, M. D., Ghadage, A. V., & Kale, R. U. (2018). Fault current limitation by using series transformer. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 7(2), 4–6.