Development of AR underground facility management system using map API

ISSN: 22783075
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With the rapid development of IT technology in the modern society, various kinds of information such as smart information age are provided in real time regardless of time and place. Especially, various IT devices and mobile devices using the ubiquitous concept are being widely used in real life and helping to make life convenient. Currently, various ubiquitous services and management schemes are being tried in the government business field. However, commercialization and commercialization are limited to a limited number of businesses. Therefore, this paper proposes an augmented reality based on system implementation and service environment plan for the management of underground facilities (gas, electricity, communication, waterworks, sewerage, heating, oil pipeline etc.). To do this, we used Map API technique. Augmented reality-based underground facilities management system is a system that can locate and modify the location without drawing in the field by communication between tablet and server in relation to underground objects. Especially, it suggested a method to provide and manage the location information of GIS system and the facilities embedded in the underground, and attribute information by replacing the location mark used in existing underground facilities. Through the augmented reality based underground facility management system, it is expected to be effective in terms of practicality, economics, real - time network, information provision and management, and prevention of major accidents. In addition, it will be an effective method for updating and maintaining information related to underground facilities.




Kim, B. H., & Kim, J. R. (2019). Development of AR underground facility management system using map API. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(8), 48–51.

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