This article aims to analyze and synthesize the principal barriers in the way of the implementation of the renewable energies through a literature review. After doing an bibliometric analysis ant selecting 48 articles that satisfied the choosing theme, 38 barriers were found, which were divided into 4 categories, them being: Economics, Technical e Technological, Political and Social. After a thorough analysis of each category, it was possible to observe that each barrier generates different impacts in each country, depending of their development and climatic conditions, and that all of them relate and impact each other, intensifying themselves and making the diffusion of these energies even more difficult.
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de Barros Zamparetti, L., de Souza Mendonça, A. K., Braga, T. G., de Andrade Conradi Barni, G., & Bornia, A. C. (2020). Barriers to the Diffusion of Renewable Energies: Literature Review. In Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics (Vol. 337, pp. 89–100). Springer.