Comparación de indicadores de incubación artificial entre huevos de gallinas camperas y semirrústicas en la provincia de Villa Clara, Cuba

ISSN: 16957504
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This work was done in the Incubation Plant "University" from May 2009 to February 2010, where was carried out a comparative study of artificial incubation of eggs between Country and Semirustic hens. Taking as starting point the size and weight loss during incubation, 300 eggs of each hybrid were sampled, and they were properly identified, sized, and weighed; the latter procedure was performed again on days 6, 11 and 19 of incubation. During this survey were determined the mean, minimum and maximum values, standard deviation and coefficient of variation for the variables length, width, weight and weight loss, and was made a comparison test (T) for these variables. Also, were determined the shape index and indicators of hatchability of fertile eggs from hatching, and was performed a comparison of proportions between hybrid hatchability and chicks quality. The results were processed by Microsoft Excel and STATISTICA package version 8.0. Significant differences (P <0.05) were found for the variables length, width, and weight range of eggs for Country and Semirustic hens, the latter had the smaller values, yielding no significant differences in weight loss of eggs during incubation. The hatchability in Semirustics showed better results (77,9%) than in Country hens (71,8%), and were not significant differences in the percentages of chicks from first and second categories.




González, M. A., Le Thi, D., Morales, T., De La Caridad Camacho, M., Avello, E., Rodríguez, F. I. P., & Tandrón, E. (2011). Comparación de indicadores de incubación artificial entre huevos de gallinas camperas y semirrústicas en la provincia de Villa Clara, Cuba. Revista Electronica de Veterinaria, 12(12).

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