Communication plays a vital role for human beings. This project helps in improving the communication with the dumb people using flex device technology. a tool is developed that may translate totally different signs as well as Indian language to text also as voice format. The people who are communicating with dumb people might not perceive their signs and expressions. Through language, communication is feasible for a deaf-mute person without the means of acoustic sounds. The aim behind this work is to develop a system for recognizing the language, that provides communication between people with speech impairment and normal people, thereby reducing the communication gap between them. Compared to different gestures (arm, face, head and body), hand gesture plays a vital role, because it expresses the user's views in less time. within the current work flex sensor-based gesture recognition module is developed to acknowledge English alphabets and few words and a Text-to-Speech. Hence, an approach has been created and changed to listen to the gesture-based communication. it will be very useful to them for conveying their thoughts to others.
A, C. A. D. … Kumar, G. S. C. (2020). SMART GLOVE Sign to Speech Conversion and Home Automation Control for Mute Community. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(4), 898–902.
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