Human footprint is considered has the latest traits that could be used to detect an individual’s identity computes parameters. The main objective is to establish the ability of image processing algorithms on a small computing platform. We designed the embedded system which reads and recognizes a person their identity. The major aim of the paper briefs the characteristics of Patient’s data, requirements and Report behind implementing a real-time base system. The person’s foot image is segmented and its key points are located. The foot is aligned and edited, cropped as per the key points and is developed and resized. These methods are used for recognizing and subdividing. Color place a major role in multiple application for footprint detection. This project is focused on lightweight technique were mainly used due to the drawback of real time based applications and Raspberry Pi capabilities.
Rathikhashree, J., & Reji, M. (2019). Foot print health monitoring system based on open cv. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 8(6), 699–701.
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