Locomotive Lifter for Parking in Congested Places

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Locomotive Lifter is an independent attachment implied on the vehicle body frame in order to lift and move the vehicle at right angles from it’s exact position using the retractable arm provided with the wheel dolly for parking in congested places. It works on the principle that the fluid pressure (hydraulic or pneumatic) applied in the piston cylinder respectively pulls the arm and lifts the vehicle, due to small area of the wheel dolly the effort (force applied) to push the vehicle is less irrespective of the immense structure of the vehicle. Now-adays the most common issue probably dealt in metropolitan cities is that the mishap in parking the car in the portico or on the adjacent road side parallelly with part of the car body to be hanging outside the passage. Merely, there is enough of space to park the car but to say it is hardly occupied. The unoccupied space is due to irregular parking of the other cars crossing the parking lanes on the either sides in parallel parking or the standing pillar in indoor parking which does not allow the car to turn with it’s free radius of curvature. In order to park the car perfectly one has to arrest the position of the either axial of the car and the other axial wheel has to be tilt at right angles to make an arc to park. But this case isn’t possible i.e. tilting the wheels at right angle. Besides the help of this “Locomotive Lifter” we can rotate the position of the car in all 360’degree direction, either the car can be moved or the car can be rotated.




A, Tamilvanan., K, S. Kumar., … D, S. Kumar. (2019). Locomotive Lifter for Parking in Congested Places. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(2), 758–760. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijeat.b2934.129219

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