A smart and novel way to develop the current farming system has been proposed in this paper. Proper irrigation of crops is one of the most important aspects to produce perfect yield of crops and a good quality product. Untimely and underdeveloped crops are unhealthy and cannot be marketed. Also, unnecessary irrigation and improper farming significantly wastes water resources. The aim of this paper is to produce a methodical way of irrigation in which the farmer can practice irrigation from any remote location at any particular time. The farmer can easily identify the status of the motor through a voice authentication in his/her own regional language. This helps the farmer be aware of the irrigation status. This data will be displayed on a screen with the help of General Packet Radio Service (GPRS), thus giving the farmer easy access from any place. The main goal here is to rekindle the interest in youngsters to consider agriculture seriously in the future and to make it easier for farmers to practice farming in a techno friendly manner.
Arvindhan, S., Vadivukkarasi, K., Athithya Narayan, A. S., & Shreyas, S. H. (2019). Voice authenticated smart irrigation. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(1), 995–999.
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