Alkali-Activated Slag/ Fly Ash Concrete: Mechanism, Properties, Hydration Product and Curing Temperature

  • et al.
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Alkali-activated concrete (AAC) is mounting as a feasible alternative to OPC assimilated to reduce greenhouse gas emanated during the production of OPC. Use of pozzolana results in gel over-strengthening and fabricate less quantity of Ca(OH)2 which provide confrontation to concrete against hostile environment. (AAC) is potential due to inheriting the property of disbursing CO2 instantly from the composition. Contrastingly an option to ordinary Portland cement (OPC), keeping this fact in mind the goal to evacuate CO2 emits and beneficiate industrial by-products into building material have been taken into consideration. Production of alkali-activated cement emanates CO2 nearly 50-80% less than OPC. This paper is the general assessment of current report on the fresh and hardened properties of alkali-activated fly ash (AAF), alkali-activated slag (AAS), and alkali activated slag and fly ash (AASF) concrete. In the recent epoch, there has been a progression to blend slag with fly ash to fabricate ambient cured alkali-activated concrete. Along with that the factors like environmental friendliness, advanced studies and investigation are also mandatorily required on the alkali activated slag and fly ash concrete. In this way, the slag to fly ash proportion impacts the essential properties and practical design of AAC. This discusses and reports the issue in an intensive manner in the following sections. This will entail providing a good considerate of the following virtues like workability, compressive strength, tensile strength, durability issues, ambient and elevated-temperature curing of AAC which will improve further investigation to elaborate the correct test methods and to commercialize it.




Banchhor*, S., Murmu, Dr. M., & Deo, Dr. S. V. (2020). Alkali-Activated Slag/ Fly Ash Concrete: Mechanism, Properties, Hydration Product and Curing Temperature. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(9), 204–215.

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