Energy and resources saving are important factors in paper machine operation in the recent trend of large-scale high speed machine. Our continues effort to develop retention aids and coagulant "REALIZER" series is aimed at optimization of wet-end by keeping clean operation as well as to improve productivity. During these research and development, we found that the application of wet-end reformer " AXISZ" system could (1) reduce wet-end chemical dosage, (2) reduce effluent load, and (3) reduce other environmental load. Reduction of sizing agent addition can be achieved by newly developed ASA sizing system "REGSIS". High performance emulsifying agent "REGSIS E" series gives better fixation of chemicals on pulp fibers, which is the additions effect on top of sizing performance. Development of wet-end chemicals focused on less environmental load is the main feature of Somar Corporation, and its performance is verified through number of machine trials. This report describes effect of our latest paper chemicals.
Tadaki, K., Asada, T., & Kasuga, K. (2009). Wet-end control technology for environmental solution. Kami Pa Gikyoshi/Japan Tappi Journal, 63(10), 1159–1163.
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