Conventionally, the computer system has a monitor, CPU, keyboard, and mouse. In order to perform several activities on the computer such as typing a word document, opening some file or doing any operation on a computer, we need to sit in front of a computer with hardware devices such as keyboard and mouse. Also, if we are giving any presentation in the conference and if the presenter is standing at someplace away from keyboard and mouse and wants to open some other file, then he has to come in front and then open other file using a mouse. Moreover, sitting in front of a computer for hours, one suffers from eye problems as well as other health issues. So, to overcome such problems, an android app is developed. Using this application, the user can control the PC within the Wi-Fi range. Wi-Fi connection is required between the computer and the android device so that the user can access the computer remotely instead of sitting beside it. To share files between a computer system and an Android mobile, start and shut down option, allow accessing the installed applications of PC, this application can be used. It allows the IT administrators to access their database of their computer remotely. It is utilized by doing the operations on PC like sending video.
Moorthi*, M. M. … Dheenathayalan, S. (2020). Android Pc Controller. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(5), 843–845.
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