A shock absorber suspension system of vehicle and bicycle in automobile during travelling on a road surface leads jerky, bound and rebound motion a bicycle or vehicle due to this problem by shock and vibration creates discomfort and unsafely to driver and passenger. The vibration coming from vehicle leads to pain, discomfort and dissipated heat and energy which impact on reduction in efficiency shock absorber on semi active suspension system. Comparison method of actual and design Shock absorber by reductions spring stiffness, use falling tube viscometer method for finding efficient fluid mixture for reducing shock and vibration amplitude of theoretical and experimental method. In this research more shock absorbent and energy efficient Shock Absorber Damper is developed for Splendor two wheeler to controlled the vibration of semi active suspension system of vehicle. The fluid greatly increases its viscosity and result in large damping force, less power consummation, fast and smooth response, and cost effective design and environmentally friendly. The damping force increase and decrease in leads to bounce and renounces.
Lahane*, Mr. R. S., & Sable, Dr. M. J. (2020). “Design and Perfomance Analysis of MR Twin Tube Shock Absorber Damper of Semi-Active Suspension System.” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(3), 3015–3021. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.b6806.019320
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