Algorithm design and implementation of the user-optimized AI curation system with AR-based characters

ISSN: 22783075
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This study tries to design the algorithm for a basic research to provide AR - based theme travel AI curation system through customized virtual characters that can be modified according to the surrounding situations or issues changing in real time. Methods/Statistical analysis: This study suggests four modules which are the travel information input, travel preference checking, character generating, and travel information providing modules. Especially, the travel information input module is composed as two parts, which are an information in puta request input unit. Findings: The AI curation providing system is an automated main system provided in a central server so that the user can utilize it when they are planning a trip. The user can access the system through the user terminal or device connected to the communications to utilize the AI curation system. Furthermore, the system can have a separate administrator or an AI robot inside the system, and it can be configured to perform maintenance and data update through the manager or the bot. On the system environment, the travel preference checking module can be divided as two parts which are a comparative and detailed travel destination derivation parts. As the finding, this study mainly aims to make a design of algorithm for each step for constructing a system that provides a recommendation system of a travel destination recommending a user's preferred travel destination and detailed travel destination. Improvements/Applications: Based on this algorithm design, it will be expected the appearance of more efficiency travel information sharing service between travel information sharing service server and the way of offering the service server which is the user-optimized AI Curation System with AR-based characters.




Kim, T. Y. (2019). Algorithm design and implementation of the user-optimized AI curation system with AR-based characters. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(8), 61–64.

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