This paper is about an automatic irrigation control system which is cost effective and can be used for irrigation by a farmer. Today’s industrial automation and controlling of machine is high in cost and not suitable for a farming field. So, here we design a smart drip irrigation technology with effective control system in low cost. The voltage monitoring unit informs the farmer about the power supply conditions on the field. The aim of this study, is to control the motor automatically, and decide the direction of the water flow through valves, based on the inputs from the farmer and also with the collective inputs from the sensors, which finally notify instantly about the happenings and conditions of the field. It operates under low hardware cost by distributing irrigation to crops by elevation change and gravity. The soil moisture and amount of flow of water in each sector are major consideration to design a fail-safe system for a variety of crops planted at a time.
Venkatesh V*, A., & DEVI B, Dr. A. (2019). Low Cost Design of Automated Drip Irrigation System with GSM. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 8077–8082.
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