High pressure and high temperature steam is used to activate the material contained in the activated zone of rotary kiln generally used in the cement manufacturing industry, activated carbon manufacturing industry, thermal processing industries. In this work, thermal stress behaviour of steam pipe with a zigzag hole is analyzed, which is used in the activated carbon industry where charcoal is used as a raw material. Steam is the most important factor for continuous activation process and must be uniformly distributed in the activated zone. Investigated the fracture produced in the heat affected region during the continuous process using ANSYS tool, also found the deformation, equivalent stress and temperature distribution for two types of pipes.
Vijayan, S. N., Deepak, P., & Duraimurugan, G. K. (2019). Thermal effects of steam pipe used in activated carbon industry under conditional circumstances. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(10), 290–295. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.I8182.0881019
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