In recent days, the machine learning techniques are comprehensively utilized in the field of identifying breast carcinoma. It is a vital driving reason for death for women everywhere throughout the world. Since the reasons for the infection stay obscure, early detection and analysis are the keys to breast cancer control, and it can expand the accomplishment of treatment, spare life and also reduce cost. Digital mammogram based on the depth of mammogram images to recognizing the masses. Mammography is a standout amongst the best tool that has been generally utilized in early identification for breast cancer. It comprises are four phases, they are pre-handling, division, order, and highlight extraction. ROI [region of interest] technique mainly used to identify the limit of a disease bit and measure its size.
Umamaheswari, P., Venkateswari, P., Glory Thephoral, J., & Ramya, S. (2019). Computerized segmentation method for breast lesions on ultrasound images. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(11), 3228–3231.
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