Thermoelectric energy harvester is known as a type of energy harvesting technologies which extracts waste heat from a target device or object to generate electrical power. The low power generation from thermoelectric energy harvester, though, is always a critical consideration in designing a self-sustaining system. The energy harvesting system is usually aided by a power management solution to further enhance the power generation for better performance. Therefore, maximizing the power generated from the thermoelectric sensor itself is essential in order to select the most suitable power management approach. This paper presumed the methodology to maximize power generation of thermoelectric and further discussion is reviewed in the report.
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Chuan, L. C., Wahid*, H., … Said, S. H. M. (2020). Performance Examination of Low-Power Thermoelectric Sensor Arrays for Energy Harvesting From Human Body Heat. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 9(2), 541–547.