Container terminal efficiency and integration into the supply chain are determinants for the effectiveness of the entire distribution system. In order for the terminals to operate effectively, terminal operators use information and communication technology (ICT) solutions supporting processes that are related to container-handling and supply chain management. The scope of this chapter is to present an ICT solution aiming to support ports in improving performance and reducing emissions. The chapter reports on the results of the ENVIROPORT Project, funded in the context of the cooperation framework for research and technology between Greece and China for 2012–2014, which addresses issues related to the efficiency and optimization of container terminal operations and use of available resources to develop ICT for more efficient and environmental port operation.
Ayfantopoulou, G., Tsoukos, G., Stathacopoulos, A., Bizakis, A., & Gagatsi, E. (2015). Greener Port Performance Through ICT. In Sustainable Development of Sea-Corridors and Coastal Waters (pp. 207–215). Springer International Publishing.
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