Due to increase in both population and in the usage of cars the city experiences traffic congestion and air pollution. In a way of overcoming these issues, a scheduled parking system must be deployed. As the population increases, number of persons roaming around the city in searching for parking slots also increases. Though many solutions have been proposed, those solutions were not scalable. But this paper proposes a scalable and cost-effective solution for car parking and pre-booking. This can be implement educing sensors and processors.Ultrasonic sensors are placed in each slot for finding the presence of cars and the data of ultrasonic sensor is fed to the Arduino Mega for processing. The processed data is transmitted to the cloud server using Node MCU and that information can be accessible by a user through a mobile application or webpage and mechanical system is added for security purposes.
Kaliappan, S. (2018). Embedded system based secured car parking system. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(2S), 137–141.
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