The article deals with analyzing the efficiency of using task-based learning in language learning process and issues on implementing it in practice effectively. As part of a communicative approach to teaching foreign language, the term task appears from the beginning of the 1980s, but has not received a single interpretation among foreign methodologists and continues to be at the center of discussions. Many researchers understand the term (task) in a broader sense - as a unit of teaching or learning (a unit of teaching / learning), this allows us to correlate it with the terms "exercise" and "task" in their wide sense. Task is a communicative exercise or task characterized by predominant attention to the content, and not to the linguistic form, correlation with the conditions of real communication and focus on achieving a specific result. The term task was assigned a specific meaning, different from the broad interpretation of the “exercise” in the domestic methodology, with the advent of training programs that were developed on the basis of communicative tasks. Task is a communicative exercise or task characterized by predominant attention to the content, and not to the linguistic form, correlation with the conditions of real communication and focus on achieving a specific result.
Gulfura*, T. … Doniyor, A. (2019). The Role of Task Based Learning in Teaching English. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 7608–7610.
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