Techno-Economic Assessment of the Development of a Biogas Power Plant Made from Liquid Palm Oil Waste in Rantau Sub-District

  • Fitria N
  • Hasibuan A
  • Zulnazri Z
  • et al.
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This examination talks about the potential for natural fluid waste to be utilized as a wellspring of electrical energy. The fluid waste produced from the processingof palm oil factories discharges methane into the air, causing a nursery impact which is harmful to the climate. Then again, methane contains potential as a source of electrical energy.This research was conducted quantitatively as all out energy investigation and analysis of the economic viability of biogas use in Rantau sub-district using Homer Energy software. Overall, the feasibility of development for the biogas power plant is carried out based on the supply of raw materials and electricity demand, with an estimated total investment is around 65.8 M and operational costs 5.4 M/year.

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Fitria, N., Hasibuan, A., Zulnazri, Z., Azhari, A., Safitri, N., & Ula, M. (2024). Techno-Economic Assessment of the Development of a Biogas Power Plant Made from Liquid Palm Oil Waste in Rantau Sub-District. In International Conference on Applied Engineering, Sciences, Technology and Innovation (Vol. 14, pp. 73–77). Trans Tech Publications Ltd.

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