Innovations in information technology resources hae given wings to the development and advancements of new age learning environments. This chapter reviews some of the existing virtual laboratories and proposes a virtual laboratory for Database sytems. The proposed Database virtual laboratory is a complete Learning Management System(LMS), which has been designed after careful consideration of all the necessary parameters for any LMS like the pedagogy of teaching and learning, student engagement, pitfalls, and cognitive levels. The use of our own Database Management System (GU_DB) in the Virtual laboratory has proved significantly advantageous in terms of student and teacher communication. The students rating in a questionnaire after the end of the evaluation phase showed encouraging results.
Shah, B., Pareek, J., Patel, S., & Patel, V. (2019). Database virtual laboratory for guided learning. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 5418–5425.
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