Correlative an Accounts of Oil, Emulsifier and Agrochemical Pollution in Industrial Areaof Kalyan and Dombivli

  • S. S. Dhabarde
  • N. S. Suryawanshi
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Discharge of polluted water contains various toxic metals released by oil and emulsifier as well as agrochemical industries in Dombivli. A correlative account of heavy metals were studied and observed toxic metals like Cu, Ni, Cr, Pb, Fe and Zn. Oils and emulsifier and agrochemical. Oils and emulfifier were studied in details in season wise i.e. Rainy, winter and summer. In all seasonFe toxic metal was higher as compared to other metals in the influent and effluent. In winter season Fe influent was recoded more as compare to effluent while in summer season also increased Fe toxic metal andCu mg/L in Industry S3. Heavy metals were reported in all season like rainy, winter and summer. In rainy season influent and effluent were observed and found Fe and Cu more while in effluent Pb was higher and winter season Fe and Cu also higher amount were recorded effluent was reported in Pb mg/l while in summer six metal were also studied. Fe and Cu were much higher than that of rainy and winter influent and effluent.In presently investigated that the comparative studies of Oils and Surfactants (S3) and Agrochemical (S4) industries in Dombivli manufacturing industries were reported toxic metals viz. Cu, Ni, Cr, Pb, Fe and Zn more or less quantizes were observed Rainy S3 and S4 influent Fe ( 3.31 and 1.50 ) and effluent ( Fe.25 and Pb in S4. Winter season influent Fe was higher in both Industries but 51.0 Fe was reported highest pollution as compared to effluent of both industries Fe Zn Cr and Cu less amount while in Summer season Fe (15.47 and Cu 12.58) in S3 and Fe( 42.67) Cu ( 29.86)influent more concentrated then other between them and effluent S3( Fe and Zn more while in case of S4 Fe toxic metal was very high conc.

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S. S. Dhabarde, & N. S. Suryawanshi. (2022). Correlative an Accounts of Oil, Emulsifier and Agrochemical Pollution in Industrial Areaof Kalyan and Dombivli. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology, 108–112.

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