Rice covers about 69% of the cultivated area and is the major crop, covering about 63% of the total area under food grains. It is the staple food of almost the entire population of Odisha; therefore, the state economy is directly linked with improvements in production and productivity of rice in the state. The main barrier of production of rice in this region is the rice leaf blast (RLB). So monitoring of RLB is necessary time to time. This paper presents a novel segmentation method to detect RLB using on-field image, which is combination of channel extraction, thresholding and masking.
Sethy, P. K., Dash, S. L., Barpanda, N. K., & Rath, A. K. (2019). Rice leaf blast detection using on-field image of western tract of odisha based on image processing. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(6), 483–487.
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