The existing years power structure is a big composite unified network that contains of n number of buses and hundreds of power plants. The placing of fresh positions or fixing of new generating unites executes many conservation and economic limitations. As an effect, the present transmission lines are more severely stressed than forever before and which in turn can leave power system exposed to instabilities. To continue safety of such systems, it is necessary to design appropriate procedures to expand power system safety and growth voltage stability limitations. In this project the conclusion of three FACTScontrollers – SVC, UPFC and TCSC on voltage stability are studied. The IEEE-14 bus system is simulated with continuation power flow feature of PSAT software. The benefit of this simulated model is to progress a simple, fast and appropriate procedure which can be applied efficiently to improve the voltage stability.
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Ramprasath, Mr. P., & Nagaraj, Prof. MKNM. S. (2020). Analysis of Power System Stability by using Facts Devices. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 9(1), 1617–1621.