Excess sleep results in drowsiness that's not the underlying disease.Drowsiness may cause additional symptoms, like forgetfulness or falling asleep at inappropriate times. The common examples are Sleep deprivation, alcohol or drug use, medication side -effect, an outsized meal or caffeine withdrawal. A number of the causes of the drowsiness are Lifestyle factors, psychological state, Medical Condition, Medications, Sleeping disorders. The prevailing method uses the photo-PLETHYSMOGRAPHY method. In our project we are going to detect the drowsiness, this we will detect the waveforms and transform the waveforms using ARDUINO software and determine the speed of drowsiness. Using GSM, just in case of drowsiness the notification or call is shipped to the respective registered number. The developed low-cost device could avoid complicated procedures and provides continuous monitoring of the drowsiness.
V, Manimala., Z, A. Maricar., … Arulvallal, S. (2020). Portable Wireless Drowsiness Detector. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(12), 241–244. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.k7773.0991120
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