The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of Internet-enabled devices that can sense, communicate, and react to changes in their environment. It is commonly applied in many applications, like building automation, medical healthcare systems, transportation, environment monitoring, and energy management. Billions of these computing devices are connected to the Internet to exchange data between themselves and/or their infrastructure. However, the privacy of data seems to be the greatest issue that needs to be solved. This paper intends to develop an improved data sanitization and restoration framework in IoT for higher-order privacy preservation. The preservation process is carried out using key that is optimally selected. For the optimal selection of key, a new Improved Dragonfly Algorithm (IDA) is introduced. Finally, the algorithmic analysis is carried out by varying parameters like enemy distraction weight e and food attraction weight f of the proposed algorithm
Apare, R. S., & Gujar, S. N. (2020). Algorithmic Analysis on Adaptive Dragonfly based Optimal Key Generation for Privacy Preservation in IoT. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(4), 915–922.
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