Real-Time Policy Enforcement with Metric First-Order Temporal Logic

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Correctness and regulatory compliance of today’s software systems are crucial for our safety and security. This can be achieved with policy enforcement: the process of monitoring and possibly modifying system behavior to satisfy a given policy. The enforcer’s capabilities determine which policies are enforceable. We study the enforceability of policies specified in metric first-order temporal logic (MFOTL) with enforcers that can cause and suppress different system actions in real time. We consider an expressive safety fragment of MFOTL and show that a policy from that fragment is enforceable if and only if it is equivalent to a policy in a simpler, syntactically defined MFOTL fragment. We then propose an enforcement algorithm for all monitorable policies from the latter fragment, and show that our EnfPoly enforcer outperforms state-of-the-art tools.




Hublet, F., Basin, D., & Krstić, S. (2022). Real-Time Policy Enforcement with Metric First-Order Temporal Logic. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (Vol. 13555 LNCS, pp. 211–232). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.

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