When it comes to providing security to information systems, encryption emerges as an indispensable tool, as it has been used intensively in past few decades for securing stationary data as well as data in motion. Earlier, the security of an encryption algorithm lied in the manipulation of characters among a word or group of words, which is called the classical age of cryptography. This age ended when indigenous mathematical equations came into play and modern ciphers like DES and RSA were designed to mark the modern cryptographic era. This period witnessed two world wars and rise of machines instead of manual calculation for data secrecy. But, the time kept moving on and new advances in the information security field surfaced like Elliptical Curve Cryptography and Quantum Cryptography which added new dimensions to the secret world of confidential communication over unsecure channels. The latest addition in this count is the DNA cryptography which has combined the laws of biology with computing to form unbreakable ciphers at least theoretically. This paper introduces a new DNA cipher which is bound to provide more robust ways to safeguard vital data.
Kaushik*, A., & Thada, Dr. V. (2020). VG1 Cipher – A DNA Indexing Cipher. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(3), 221–226. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.c7979.019320
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