The mobile system consist of two parts mobile tower and mobile phone. The radiation of phone depends upon range of signal. In daily usage of mobile phones it is observed that there is variation in the network range bar. Using this range bar of networks we need to study its effect on variation of tissue temperature of human beings. If range is full, radiation is low and vica-verca.Tower transmit signal that is received by mobile phone, signal strength is inversely proportional to square of distance. Radiation effect is more near to the tower and less far away from the tower. It is observed that the received power is more as compared with calculated power of the tower. Radiation absorption is also proportional to time. If range of the network is more the electric field intensity is less and goes on increasing if range becomes less. As range decreases radiation increase, temperature of the tissue increases. Temperature variation is from 0.47℃ to 4.1℃.In cancer treatment radiation therapy is used it is observed that as electric field intensity is increased penetration distance in the tissue will increase.
Bhangari, D. S., Bhagali, A. C., & Kshirsagar, R. V. (2019). Effect of mobile tower radiation and mobile phone’s range variation on human being. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(12), 3971–3974.
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