Use of Web 2 0 Social Networking Sites for Collaborative Sharing Research Information by the Social Science Research Scholars at Alagappa University Karaikudi

  • Pitchaipandi P
  • et al.
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This study attempts to the Web 2.0 Social Networking Sites for Collaborative Sharing Research Information by the Social Science Research Scholars at Alagappa University, Karaikudi. A sample size 97 Scholars was selected by random sampling method. The data required for the study were collected through a questionnaire. The findings of the study: 30.9% of the respondents using Facebook/ WhatsApp along with most highly used in the popular web browser used for Google chrome 72.2% Google chrome. 48.5% of respondents’ preference of “Very Strongly Agree” Collaborate with Research projects and Teams. Whereas 46.4% “Research Collaboration “Strongly agree” of the respondents respectively. 30.9% purpose of Web 2.0 for Collaborations of Research Communication while 19.6% Opportunities and Learning for Web 2.0 tools support social interaction in the learning process of the respondents respectively.

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Pitchaipandi, P., & Baskaran, Dr. C. (2020). Use of Web 2 0 Social Networking Sites for Collaborative Sharing Research Information by the Social Science Research Scholars at Alagappa University Karaikudi. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 9(3), 70–74.

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